



Friday 26th January 2024  7.00 for 7.30pm start AGM &‘The Magic of Robert Hooke’ - Huxley Hunt The Methodist Hall, Freshwater Isle of Wight PO40 9ER 

Memorial Lunch Monday 4 March 2024 at 10.30am for 11.00am  Bookings Only - Fire of London - Peter Russell

Friday 17th May 2024  guided walk Robert Hooke trail - Bookings Isle of Wight Walking Festival

Friday 17th May 2024   7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start - The Simpsons  & Mathematical References - Steve Archer -The Methodist Hall Freshwater PO40 9ER

Thursday 18th July 2024 2.00 for 2.30pm start  Robert Hooke’s Birthday Celebration - Hooke & Thomas Tompion Father of Clock-making  - Dr Martin Grossel                                   

Friday 27th September 2024 7.00 for 7.30pm start William Harvey (1578-1657) theory of the circulation of blood and his part in the Scientific Revolution - Dr Paul Bingham The Methodist Hall, Freshwater Isle of Wight  PO40 9ER

Friday 11th October 2024  guided walk Robert Hooke trail Bookings Isle of Wight Walking Festival

Friday 15th November 2024 2.00 pm for 2.30pm start - Peter Ransom - Sir Isaac Newton, The Methodist Hall, Freshwater PO40 9ER        

December Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival          



Friday 27th January short AGM Peter Russell - talk on the Plague in 1665

Friday 3rd March 2023 Memorial Lunch Dr Martin Grossel Talk on Capt William Petty  Bookings only

Friday 19th May, Hooke Trail Walk  See Isle of Wight Walking Festival website for bookings

Friday 19th May 2023 7.00  for 7.30pm Wesley Hall Freshwater - Robin McInnes 250 Years of IofW Landscape Art 1670-1920 

Tuesday 18th July Birthday Celebration - Alex Peaker Fossil Walk Compton Bay

Friday 22nd September 7.00 for 7.30pm - Wesley Hall Freshwater Arnold Taylor Robert Boyle & the Large Hadron Collider of the 17th Century

Friday 13th October - Hooke Trail Walk  See Isle of Wight Walking Festival website for Hooke Trail Bookings

Friday 17th November - 2.00 for 2.30pm Wesley Hall Freshwater - Peter Ransom - Sun Dials

Friday 26th January 2024  7.00 for 7.30pm Wesley Hall Freshwater AGM & Talk Huxley Hunt The Magic of Robert Hooke's Experiments


Friday 21 January 7.00pm for 7.15 pm AGM – The World Turned Upside Down the experience of the Civil Wars Stuart Orme, Curator of the Cromwell Museum Zoom & relayed in the           Wesley Hall, Freshwater

Thursday 3 March at 10.30am for 11.00am Memorial Lunch Royal Solent Yacht Club King Charles I/II Kevin Shaw, (Bookings Only)

Friday 13 May at 2.00 pm Isle of Wight Walking Festival Robert Hooke Trail guided walk Meet at All Saints Church, Freshwater

Friday 27 May 7.00pm for 7.30 pm start The Age of Enlightenment John Medland                   Wesley Hall, Freshwater

Tuesday 6th September  12.30 pm  Fossil Stroll, Colwell Bay Dr Martin Munt (Bookings only)

Friday 23rd September Meeting 7.00pm for 7.30 pm - Talk on Alchemy, Wesley Hall, Freshwater

Friday, 14 October Guided Walk 2.00 pm Isle of Wight Walking Festival Robert Hooke Trail guided walk Meet at All Saints Church, Freshwater (Bookings only)

 Friday 18 November 7.00pm for 7.30pm  Robert Hooke & Astronomy - Dr Paul Bingham    Wesley Hall, Freshwater

Robert Hooke Society Tree at Brighstone Christmas Tree FestivalDecember

Further details can be obtained through our Contact Page Meetings are usually held in The Wesley Hall at Freshwater Methodist Church, Brookside Road, Freshwater PO40 9ER.                 Isle of Wight UK




11:00am to 4:00pm

at The Corner Room, FORT VICTORIA

Westhill Lane, Norton, Yarmouth PO41 0RR

Free Parking

Refreshments and light lunches available at

Café Verdi, FortVictoria

Free Entry

All Welcome


Programme 2020

The Robert Hooke Society, Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Friday 24 January 7.00pm for 7.30 pm

AGM – “Robert Hooke Curator of Experiments”

Committee Members

Wesley Hall, Freshwater


Tuesday 3 March at 10.30am for 11.00am

Booking required

“Hooke’s Tour of Milton Keynes”

 Memorial Lunch Royal Solent Yacht Club


Thursday 7 May & Thursday 14 May at 11.00 am

Isle of Wight Walking Festival

Robert Hooke Trail guided walk

All Saints’ Church, Freshwater


Friday 5 June  

Robert Hooke’s Birthday Celebration

‘Floods, Fossils, and Freshwater Bay; The Origins

of Robert Hooke’s Geological Thinking’.

Wesley Hall, Freshwater


Saturday 18 July 2.00 pm

Fossil Talk & Walk - Colwell Bay


Friday 18 September 7.00pm for 7.30 pm


   "Robert Hooke and Christ Church - Oxford under the Protectorate"

 Wesley Hall, Freshwater


Friday 20 November 7.00pm for 7.30pm

        “Small currency Tokens of the Isle of Wight including that of John Hooke of Newport:  

What light insights do they give on Robert Hooke and his Life and Times?”

Wesley Hall, Freshwater


10-13 December

Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival

Robert Hooke Society Christmas Tree


Meetings are usually held in The Wesley Hall at Freshwater Methodist Church, Brookside Road, Freshwater PO40 9ER.  Isle of Wight UK